A GENTLEMAN NEVER TELLS (Available now on eBook in the UK, releases Sept 28th on audio and paperback. Available Feb 2024 on all formats in the US & CA) The carriage starts rumbling along, and Taya pulls out a fan, wafting it leisurely in front of her face, blowing her unmanageable hair around her face. My God, what is she doing? I don’t know, but I’m beginning to think that the hair matches the owner. Unmanageable. Let it be known, that fan is not there to cool Lady Taya Winters down, for London is hardly boasting soaring temperatures today. No, that fan is a tool, and by God it works. She gazes out of the window, smiling over the top of it, and I swallow, as Sampson declares his departure, virtually diving out of the window. ‘What the bloody hell are you doing?’ I blurt, practically lunging for his leg to save him from falling to the cutting stones. Of course, I miss it, for the man moves fast, and I look out of the window, turning my head to see up onto the roof. He’s sitting up there, relaxed, taking in the view. ‘Such a waste to be cooped…