Blog Posts
Meet the new irresistable JEM Alpha & the woman who brings him to his knees.
This Man Copyright Infringement Statement (A Spanish version of this statement is available below)
Influencer & Creator Application
We’re inviting Influencers & Creators to join the JEM Master List!
I’m so excited to share the news that Amara have bought the paperback rights to my Unlawful Men and This Woman Series in the US & Canada. They will be relaunching both series, bringing new content to each book, as well as new covers for The Unlawful Men. I can’t wait for these stories to reach more readers, as well as seeing them on the shelves in bookstores! Thank you so much for loving these characters so much, and for being so devoted to their stories over the years. I have tried to anticipate any questions you may have and…
With This Woman is available now.
The second book in the This Man retelling from Jesse’s POV is here. I know many of you have been waiting for this one. I know there are certain scenes within the pages of Beneath This Man that many of you were desperate to hear from Jesse’s perspective. I truly hope you deem the wait for this worthwhile. These books have truly been the hardest I have ever written. Writing the same story but…differently. Making it interesting. Making it new and fresh. My God, it bent my head every which way. And on top of that, justifying his every move…
This Woman Forever Cover Reveal!
Here it is. *Weeps* The final installment of The This Man retelling from our lord of the sex manor. THIS WOMAN FOREVER – releasing in May 14th 2024. You can check out the first and second book, This Woman and With This Woman , here. All pre-order links are below, and I will have the links for the paperback and audio editions nearer the time. JEM x
An excerpt from The American
It’s excerpt time! If you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll have had this little treat already. Wouldn’t hurt to read it again, though. INTERESTING FACT: This is one of the excerpts from the book we used in the auditions for the audio book.
The American Has a Cover!
Holy good Lord, hello. Welcome, The American, to the Unlawful Men Series! I look forward to sharing a blurb with you very soon, but in the meantime you can pre-order this beauty now. The American releases March 12, 2023 and will be available on all retailers for a couple weeks before it enters KU with the rest of the series. You are going to LOVE being in Brad’s head. JEM x
An Excerpt from With This Woman
An excerpt from WITH THIS WOMAN On sale Oct 31st 2023 in all formats